What Jobs are Available with a Master’s in Engineering?
Before you decide to apply to a graduate program and earn an advanced degree, it can be helpful to learn about the jobs available with a Master's in Engineering. A terminal graduate degree in engineering can help you capture attention from recruiters in the industry or even land a huge promotion. Since the coursework that you will study as a graduate student is advanced and strictly focused on engineering, most professionals in the field believe that spending money on two more years of tuition is a worthwhile investment. Read on, and learn what you will learn when studying for a Master's in Engineering and where you can go once you graduate.
Explore these promoted online degree programs.
These top, accredited schools offer a variety of online graduate degree programs. Figuring out where to apply? Consider one of these online Master’s or PhD programs.
What Will a Master's in Engineering Program Teach?
When you study for a bachelor's degree in engineering, you will take several different introductory courses that will help you build your knowledge so that you can start to search for entry-level engineering jobs. When you take a specialized Master of Engineering program, you will cover upper-level courses that prepare you either academically or professionally. You can choose to specialize in different fields like mechanical or electrical engineering, or take a program that covers all types of theory and practices. If you choose to study a specialized field of study and you take more of a research focus on school, it may take you longer to earn your degree.
Is a Master of Engineering Worth the Investment?
There is nothing wrong with adding a master's degree to your resume no matter what field or industry you work in, but you want to be sure that spending that time will pay off in the long run. A Master of Engineering degree is actually rated as the third best Master's degree to earn in terms of pay and demand since the average pay for mid-career professionals with a graduate degree is $121,000 per year, according to Forbes.
What Can You Do With Your Master of Engineering Once You Are Finished?
You can hold several different titles in engineering with some of the leading Fortune 500 companies in the private sector once you possess a Master's in Engineering. You can pursue jobs in many different engineering fields from chemical and electrical engineering to mechanical and civil engineering. Within these fields, you can advance up the ranks or become more of a lead engineer. Some of the various opportunities you will enjoy once you are a master's degree holder include:
- Senior systems engineer
- Software developer
- Senior electrical engineer
- Processing engineering manager
- Senior chemical engineer
- Chemical process engineer
- Construction project manager
- Senior mechanical engineer
- Structural engineer
- Design engineer
- Product engineer
The career opportunities that you will enjoy with your degree will depend on the area that you plan to work in and the field. A Master of Engineering is highly desirable, but in the public sector your degree may not be as beneficial as it would be when working in the private sector.
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The demand for engineering professionals is on the rise, especially professionals with advanced knowledge. With the field as a whole projected to grow by 7% and 29% of the workforce expected to retire in upcoming years, now is the time to consider advancing your education, according to Forbes. While there is a high output of college undergrads majoring in engineering, there are more jobs available with a Master's in Engineering.